Saturday, December 18, 2010

Things I never did - diagram

created for the exhibiton

"Things we never did"
Künstlervereinigung MAERZ, Linz
15.12.2010 - 18.02.2011

idea / concept: Beate Rathmayr


"Ein Archiv, in dem Dinge, die nie getan wurden, für einige Wochen zu sehen sein werden. Eine Sammlung aus geschriebenen und skizzierten Fragmenten macht verkannte, unerfüllte und unfertige Ideen sichtbar."

"An archive where things that have never been done will be displayed for a couple of weeks. A collection of written an drafted fragments makes unrecognized, unfulfilled and unfinished ideas visible."
(from the flyer)

Ich stelle nicht realisierte Ideen und nicht abgeschlossene Projekte der letzten Jahre anhand eines Achsendiagramms dar. Kurze Beschreibungen und Skizzen sind als Schnittpunkte zweier Achsen positioniert: Die horizontale Achse zeigt den Zeitpunkt des Einfalls an, die vertikale die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Realisierung als Prozentzahl. Die einzelnen Punkte sind weiters in Kategorien unterteilt, je nach dem, auf welcher Stufe der Umsetzung sich die Projekte befinden (Idee, Materialsammlung, Rohversion etc.).

My unrealized and unfinished ideas from the past years are displayed as a graph. Brief descriptions and sketches are situated within two axes: The horizontal axis describes the time when the idea occured, the vertical axis shows the probability of the realisation. The single entries are also divided into categories based on the stage of their development (idea, collection of material, raw version etc.)

our burning need

Drawing, 1,5 x 7m.
Created for the re-opening of Kunstraum Goethestraße xtd, Linz, 2.12.2010.

Referring to the topic of the year, "There is a wild thing in all of us", I drew a panorama view of the lighting in the Kunstraum Goethestraße exhibition space as I saw it from the worm's-eye view sitting and gradually spinning in the center of the room.


screenshots from a facebook interaction.

I originally intended to ask the owner of the electronic store "Radio Kolm" in Vienna if they would play the Estonian radio station "Raadio Kolm". For the time being I satisfied my need to communicate this coincidence of names on facebook.


created for the program "3 Minuten aus dem Leben einer Stadtpflanze/ 3 minutes in the life of a city plant" at the exhibition and pocket film presentation
"Urban Gardening & Pocketfilms"

24.09. - 03.10.2010
wienstation, Vienna

1:46 min, filmed with a mobile phone

Reality/ Possibility

dispersion paint on board, approx. 4,5 x 2,5m
created for the group exhibition

"Die edlen Früchte und die Gouvernante"
(curated by Ursula Hübner)

Schüttkasten Harmannsdorf
17.07. - 19.09.2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Room waiting

Asifakeil, Quartier 21, Museumsquartier, Vienna
08.07.2010 - 31.07.2010

image from "roadtruckers"

2 Monitors, adhesive foil. Selection of animated films showing empty spaces. Waiting rooms depict a song about the feeling of freedom on the road ("roadtruckers"). Monitors in computer rooms serve as projection screens for screensavers ("intercut", "screensaver/desktop visuals").
In reference to the video "roadtruckers" I covered one of the exhibition space´s glass panels with the grey-white-checked pattern known as the illustration of transparency in photoshop. I left the originally white squares transparent, intending to create a mixture between the "real" and the symbolic transparency.


removing transparency

structuring necessity pt. 2

2 diagrams, wall drawings, created for the group exhibition
"How much exchange can you stand?"

06.07.2010 - 17.09.2010

One year after the first visit from England and a presentation in the Bluecoat Gallery in Liverpool, the results of an exchange between Linz and Liverpool are to be shown in the Künstlervereinigung MAERZ and the Atelierhaus Salzamt

Atelierhaus Salzamt

Atelierhaus Salzamt, detail

Künstlervereinigung MAERZ

making of:

watch large version on youtube: